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Open-Ended Creationism: "Thinking Outside the Box of Time", by Dan Delzell
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One of the most puzzling questions known to man is simply, "How old is the earth?" Educators teach their opinions. Scientists advance their ideas. And theologians present various biblical interpretations.
Christians are especially interested in this question for obvious reasons. But that doesn't mean Christians are all in agreement on the topic. Far from it. Sincere believers interpret the "days" of creation differently, as well as the evidence in science.
Whether you believe the earth has been around for billions of years, or only thousands of years, this book will challenge some of your presuppositions. And you may be surprised to learn the truth about the beginning of the first day and the conclusion of the seventh day of creation.
It's time to take a fresh look at this important question through the lens of Scripture. You see, there is no one better to help us investigate this mystery than the One who created the earth "outside of time."
Open-Ended Creationism moves the discussion beyond the scientific data, and brings it all back to what God told us about creation in His Word. At the end of the day, the Bible is not a science textbook. Instead, it provides a glimpse into a realm that eclipses science, human reason, and even time itself.
If you are ready to see how Scripture addresses the age of the earth, then welcome to this adventure into time and eternity. I am glad you are here, and I am convinced that your Creator is too.
- Sales Rank: #363146 in eBooks
- Published on: 2016-01-03
- Released on: 2016-01-03
- Format: Kindle eBook
Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
This short book will hopefully increase your desire to dig deeper into the scriptures.
By J. McMaster
This is a very thought provoking book. The author relies exclusively upon scripture in an attempt to wrap our minds around the age of the earth and how we understand time in general, as well as time in the creation week. He also desires to instill in readers the willingness to accept those who may not share completely your particular perspective. In the end Pastor Delzell really wants us all to dig into God's word ourselves and let His Spirit help our finite minds get a new glimpse of God's infinite nature. God exists in timelessness, whereas we are bound by time in our present state. In this life we are unable to understand all things, but scripture is the place to learn all we can.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
I thought this was a good balanced approach to Bible/science age of the earth issues ...
By choirfan
I thought this was a good balanced approach to Bible/science age of the earth issues which put an emphasis on being humble toward other believers and their convictions on how to view the Genesis creation account and humble toward God's Word letting it speak for itself and remaining open to the obvious truth that God can do anything and that we can't always wrap our minds around what He has done. I've read a lot on these issues but this book still gave me new things to think about. Definitely worth the money and worth taking the time to read.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Question traditional Creation?
By KCRJ Walker
This book will help you consider it deeper. Scripture must be interpreted by study - someone else's perspective should never replace yours unquestioned.
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